Julia Thompson Gallego, MS, NP

Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

The Nurse Practitioner (NP) is an advanced degreed nurse who works closely with all of the neurosurgery team members to manage the neurotrauma patient. The NP has specialized skills and training in managing the care of the patient while in the hospital.

Julia completed her Master's Degree as an Acute Care Nurse Practioner in 2005 from UCSF School of Nursing. She worked as a registered nurse in a medical-surgical, cardiac, and neurosurgical intensive care unit for 8 years prior to becoming a Nurse Practitioner. She holds specialized credentials in Critical Care and Trauma. She has been on staff at SFGH since 2005.



1997 Access Community Health Center             RN             Ambulatory Care

1997-2005 John Muir Medical Center                         RN             Intensive Care

2005-current San Francisco General Hospital ACNP Neurological Surgery

                        and Trauma Center

2007-current University of California, San Francisco ACNP Neurological Surgery

Julia Thompson Gallego, MS, NP
Neurological Surgery
1001 Potrero Ave, Bldg. 1, Rm. 101, San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: 415-206-3226
Fax: 415-206-4373
Email: [email protected]