Concussion Clinic

The Concussion Clinic was created in recognition of the "silent epidemic".  Most people who suffer a concussion go unrecognized in the community.  According to the CDC, approximately 1.4 million Americans are treated and released from hospital emergency rooms annually. Most are told that they have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion, and are released without education or follow up with a provider well versed in treating post-concussive symptoms.  The Concussion Clinic at San Francisco General Hospital Provides patients with expert knowledge and treatment of the multitude of post-concussive symptoms that can plague patients for months after their injury. 

o Held the 3rd Thursday of every month 

o 4M Clinic, 4th Floor of the main hospital building 

o Submit an eReferral to the Concussion Clinic for an appointment 

This clinic is only available to patients within the San Francisco Department of Public Health  Network

o Call 415-206-4094 for more information