Consistent with the mission and vision of the Brain and Spinal Injury Center, a Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group was established in 2003. The TBI support group is conducted on the first and third Thursday of every month from 3:30 to 4:45 pm. Meeting is via Zoom. Contact Carol Blecker for Zoom meeting information. Carol Blecker, LCSW: (415) 437-3008, [email protected]. Referrals are made to patients and family through the written and verbal educational process during hospitalization and clinic follow-up, as well as through the city and state TBI referral networks. The TBI Support Group is open to all persons and their families experiencing recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury.
The group is fiscally supported by the Brain and Spinal Injury Center. A wide body of literature has demonstrated that comprehensive patient and family education and psychosocial support improve health outcomes and importantly, patient and family adjustment to life-altering illness. The group is co-led by a Clinical Nurse Specialist, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and a Neuropsychologist. The group strives to provide coordinated and integrated education and psychosocial support for the TBI population and their families. The Group support processes recognize that patients and their families are an integral part of treatment, goal setting, community reintegration, and optimal recovery.